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Supplier Info: JPMS

Cost Currency Date: Lead Time: Minimum Order: Prefered:
196.0000 USD 2023-09-12 JPMS 25

Sales & Credits

Sales & Credits

Type Number Date User ID Customer Branch Quantity Reference Price Discount New Qty
Sales Invoice 440686 2024-07-26 CRANSTON 685 685 -1 239044 9.99000 0 2
Sales Invoice 439558 2024-07-11 STORE 7794 7794 -1 237944 14.25000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 436143 2024-05-20 STORE 1095 1095 -1 234584 14.25000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 435583 2024-05-13 WAREHOUSE 7306 7306 -3 234049 9.02000 0 97
Location Transfer 21319 2024-05-10 MELISSA 3 From HY 0.00000 0 100
Location Transfer 21319 2024-05-10 MELISSA -3 To 1 0.00000 0 0
Location Transfer 20383 2024-05-08 SEAN 1 From 1 0.00000 0 0
Location Transfer 20383 2024-05-08 SEAN -1 To SH 0.00000 0 97
Stock Adjustment 161025 2024-05-08 STORE -1 0.00000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 433540 2024-04-17 CLIFTON 13588 13588 -1 232001 14.25000 0 2
Sales Invoice 432998 2024-04-10 CRANSTON 18813 18813 -1 231548 11.40000 0.2 3
Sales Invoice 432692 2024-04-05 STORE 188 188 -1 231236 14.25000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 432571 2024-04-04 WAREHOUSE 22289 22289 -1 231111 0.00000 0 99
Sales Invoice 432531 2024-04-03 WAREHOUSE 20299 20299 -1 231058 14.25000 0.4 100

Discount Category:
Currency Sales Type Price Start Date End Date
US Dollars A1 Unit Sell Price 14.2500 2023-09-12 9999-02-01
US Dollars D1 Deal Unit Price 7.8400 2023-09-12 9999-02-01

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