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Supplier Info: Gk Hair

Cost Currency Date: Lead Time: Minimum Order: Prefered:
164.5200 USD 2019-10-24 Gk Hair 36

Sales & Credits

Sales & Credits

Type Number Date User ID Customer Branch Quantity Reference Price Discount New Qty
Sales Invoice 440517 2024-07-24 STORE 15933 15933 -2 238867 8.30000 0 -2
Sales Invoice 439922 2024-07-16 WAREHOUSE 13418 13418 -1 Part of Kit: JA01 Order: 238283 0.00000 0 25
Sales Invoice 439832 2024-07-15 CRANSTON 685 685 -1 238186 0.00000 0 2
Sales Invoice 439584 2024-07-11 WAREHOUSE 22408 22408 -2 237966 8.30000 0 26
Sales Invoice 438579 2024-06-24 TINA 12848 12848 -2 236981 8.30000 0 28
Credit Note 604921 2024-06-24 TINA 17115 17115 2 Ex Inv - 438564 8.30000 0 30
Sales Invoice 438564 2024-06-24 WAREHOUSE 17115 17115 -2 236956 8.30000 0 28
Sales Invoice 438144 2024-06-18 STORE 15933 15933 -2 Part of Kit: MJ01 Order: 236557 0.00000 0 30
Sales Invoice 436645 2024-05-28 WAREHOUSE 12848 12848 -4 234938 8.30000 0 32
Sales Invoice 435795 2024-05-15 WAREHOUSE 12848 12848 -3 Part of Kit: MJ01 Order: 234241 0.00000 0 36
Location Transfer 21533 2024-05-13 MELISSA 1 From HY 0.00000 0 39
Location Transfer 21533 2024-05-13 MELISSA -1 To 1 0.00000 0 0
Sales Invoice 435442 2024-05-10 WAREHOUSE 12590 12590 -2 233922 8.30000 0 38
Sales Invoice 435305 2024-05-08 CLIFTON 21876 21876 -1 Part of Kit: MJ01 Order: 233775 0.00000 0 2
Sales Invoice 434374 2024-04-26 WAREHOUSE 22408 22408 -1 Part of Kit: MA02 Order: 232854 0.00000 0 40
Sales Invoice 433115 2024-04-11 STORE 15933 15933 -1 Part of Kit: MA05 Order: 231671 0.00000 0 41

Discount Category: 0
Currency Sales Type Price Start Date End Date
US Dollars A1 Unit Sell Price 8.3000 2022-01-06 9999-02-01

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