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Supplier Info: JPMS

Cost Currency Date: Lead Time: Minimum Order: Prefered:
54.4800 USD 2019-11-05 JPMS 12

Sales & Credits

Sales & Credits

Type Number Date User ID Customer Branch Quantity Reference Price Discount New Qty
Sales Invoice 439810 2024-07-15 WAREHOUSE 7306 7306 -2 238094 5.22000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 434536 2024-04-30 WAREHOUSE 16928 16928 -2 232981 9.08000 0 1
Sales Invoice 434507 2024-04-29 STORE 188 188 -1 232990 9.08000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 434506 2024-04-29 WAREHOUSE 5848 5848 -2 232975 9.08000 0 4
Sales Invoice 432664 2024-04-05 WAREHOUSE 7592 7592 -2 231208 9.08000 0 6
Sales Invoice 431312 2024-03-20 WAREHOUSE 6086 6086 -2 229929 9.08000 0 8
Stock Adjustment 159059 2024-03-20 SEAN 8 0.00000 0 10
Credit Note 604610 2024-03-11 TINA 544 544 1 Ret to Mary 8.53000 0.2 2
Credit Note 604610 2024-03-11 TINA 544 544 1 Ret to Mary 7.43000 0.2 1
Credit Note 604603 2024-03-08 TINA 544 544 1 8.53000 0.2 0
Credit Note 604603 2024-03-08 TINA 544 544 1 7.43000 0.2 -1

Discount Category:
Currency Sales Type Price Start Date End Date
US Dollars A1 Unit Sell Price 9.0800 2023-04-01 9999-02-01
US Dollars D1 Deal Unit Price 4.5400 2023-04-01 9999-02-01

No Attributes setup
Paul Mitchell