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Supplier Info: Truss

Cost Currency Date: Lead Time: Minimum Order: Prefered:
4.1700 USD 2020-05-18 Truss 1

Sales & Credits

Sales & Credits

Type Number Date User ID Customer Branch Quantity Reference Price Discount New Qty
Sales Invoice 441120 2024-08-01 STORE 21645 21645 -1 239466 7.20000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 440897 2024-07-30 STORE 22628 22628 -1 239252 7.20000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 440362 2024-07-23 WAREHOUSE 20695 20695 -1 238710 7.20000 0 23
Stock Adjustment 163276 2024-07-16 SEAN 24 0.00000 0 24
Sales Invoice 436522 2024-05-23 STORE 21645 21645 -1 234959 7.20000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 436024 2024-05-17 WAREHOUSE 18805 18805 -2 234456 7.20000 0 1
Sales Invoice 435977 2024-05-16 STORE 21645 21645 -1 234424 7.20000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 435622 2024-05-13 STORE 17918 17918 -2 234096 7.20000 0 4
Location Transfer 19829 2024-04-17 HYANNIS 2 From HY 0.00000 0 6
Location Transfer 19829 2024-04-17 HYANNIS -2 To 1 0.00000 0 0
Sales Invoice 433393 2024-04-16 WAREHOUSE 20695 20695 -2 231883 7.20000 0 4

Discount Category:
Currency Sales Type Price Start Date End Date
US Dollars A1 Unit Sell Price 7.2000 2024-04-01 9999-02-01

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Truss Hair Color and accesories