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Supplier Info: Wow beauty

Cost Currency Date: Lead Time: Minimum Order: Prefered:
3.1500 USD 2023-05-23 Wow beauty 1

Sales & Credits

Sales & Credits

Type Number Date User ID Customer Branch Quantity Reference Price Discount New Qty
Sales Invoice 438912 2024-06-27 STORE 9935 9935 -1 237309 5.50000 0 -1
Sales Invoice 438245 2024-06-19 CLIFTON 15651 15651 -1 236650 0.00000 0 2
Location Transfer 21704 2024-05-23 SEAN 2 From HairLines Shrewsbury 0.00000 0 3
Location Transfer 21704 2024-05-22 SEAN -2 To NY 0.00000 0 5
Sales Invoice 436156 2024-05-20 CLIFTON 2998 2998 -1 234604 5.50000 0 1
Location Transfer 19971 2024-05-06 SEAN 2 From HairLines Shrewsbury 0.00000 0 2
Location Transfer 19971 2024-05-02 SEAN -2 To NY 0.00000 0 7
Sales Invoice 434384 2024-04-26 CLIFTON 16609 16609 -1 232866 5.50000 0 0
Sales Invoice 433945 2024-04-22 CLIFTON 12124 12124 -1 232427 5.50000 0 1
Location Transfer 19809 2024-04-17 HYANNIS 2 From HY 0.00000 0 9
Location Transfer 19809 2024-04-17 HYANNIS -2 To 1 0.00000 0 0
Location Transfer 19279 2024-03-12 SEAN 1 From HairLines Shrewsbury 0.00000 0 2
Location Transfer 19279 2024-03-07 SEAN -1 To NY 0.00000 0 7

Discount Category:
Currency Sales Type Price Start Date End Date
US Dollars A1 Unit Sell Price 5.5000 2022-02-24 9999-02-01

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